You are currently browsing the monthly archive for December 2011.

Some friends and I have started a small group trying to lose weight during the holiday season, the time when a lot of people might gain. We had our first weigh-ins this week and are going to support each other. I’m going to revive this poor blog as a way to track my progress and get back into the habit of living healthy. I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia but I want to move on from that and not let if hold me down. I did start a new blog about that though: Hello Fibro

My starting weight is now at 343 pounds, I’ve gained quite a bit back in the last year or so but it’s time to move forward. This is my new beginning.

Vital Stats

Name: Angela
Height: 5’8″
SW (2019): 475 Lbs
CW: Unsure