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I finally scheduled my yearly physical and it’s on July 25th, exactly 8 weeks from today. I have a lot of goals for this appointment so I decided to make it my own like challenge – 8 Weeks to Awesome.

I am going to make this an open challenge and encourage all of my reader’s to join in. Set a goal for 8 weeks from this time and achieve it. It can be fitness based but it doesn’t have to be, just pick something that will help you be more awesome 8 weeks from today. Comment and let us all know what you are planning!

I’m going to spend the next 8 weeks hitting all my goals and go in to see my doctor with the most awesome accomplishments that I can. My highest goal will be to have lost 100 lbs since my physical last year and it’s doable as long as I put in the work. Eat healthy, stay within my calorie goals, do my workouts, stay active and get fit. The exercise helps to get my muscles and such back into shape but it’s going to really come down to how I’m fueling my body. In the next 8 weeks I want to focus on eating vegetables, cooking more, and staying on point.

My daily calorie goal is now set to 1750 and I’m going to distribute that over 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks. The main thing I know that works best for me is to make sure that I’m eating vegetables as they have a lot of bulk without a lot of calories. Plus making meals ahead of time and then portioning out leftovers is something I’ve been wanting to try for awhile.

I will keep updating this blog as another goal since I never post even though I want to. I really need to start posting more content and I want to learn more about fitness, health, nutrition, etc, so keep watching! This is going to be awesome!

I woke up late today so skipped breakfast and for lunch I just had an orange and some slices on salami because I was in a hurry to get somewhere. I met up with a friend I hadn’t seen in probably 10 years and met a new friend too. We met at a coffee shop so I did get a latte but with almond milk. While not considered totally paleo I’ve decided I’m not going to give up my coffee and tea because I like them and they are healthy drinks in my mind. Have  to be  careful of the syrups though. I picked up almond milk at the store because it does add a nice flavor to coffee.

I went to the local coop to pick up some of the items I felt I needed to properly eat during this challenge, like almond milk, sun butter, avocados  etc. I picked up a couple bacon cranberry burger patties because they looked good and I’m having those for dinner plus asparagus cooked with a little bit of ghee. This is the first time I’ve ever used ghee so but it does have a light buttery-ish flavor to it. The cranberries in the burger patties have a little sugar in them so it’s not completely paleo but compared to how I’ve been eating I don’t think it’s a big deal at all.

This is how my dinner came out, it was quite tasty.

This is how my dinner came out, it was quite tasty.

Multi-subject Post Warning!

Physical Therapy

So I went in for session number two of foot torture this afternoon. The first time wasn’t as bad as this time – this time it was pretty painful and I was feeling it when I left. I guess it has to be done for the long run but I had that bad, I wish I could quit, kind of vibe in my head when I left. She is doing some pretty deep massage and moving around tissues and stuff I guess and a few times she just really hit some pain spots. This really better work in the long run because it’s not fun. I have another medicated patch to wear overnight tonight and I go back for more on Wednesday and then a small break before going in three times next week. The people there are great though, everyone is nice and etc.

The Bike

Bike in the Park

When I got done at PT I decided to first stop and get a smoothie at Juice Stop and then I had planned to come home and ride my bike. During the drive home that looked like it might not happen thanks to the rainy weather. Thankfully, after dinner the sun was out and I ended up still getting in a nice ride tonight. I went down to the Rock Island trail/Billy Wolff trail area and rode around. Ended up going around the zoo a couple times, down to Calvert and out to Jim Ager Golf Course and back home. The weather was nice and lots of people were out on the trail. I’m learning how to properly pass people and while I’m certainly not the fastest bike on the trail I still hold my own. Only had to walk a little once when I hit an incline in the wrong gear coming off an underpass. Those underpass ramps can be brutal for a beginner!

Push Ups

I don’t think I have ever been able to do a proper push up so I decided it was time to change that. My new long term goal is to be able to do some real push ups. There is a program online called One Hundred Push Ups and I’ve decided to follow that. I encourage anyone reading this to join me, it could be fun! I’m currently working my way through wall push ups on week 3 to start. Once I get more comfortable with that I plan to move to bench push-ups, then “girl” push-ups and finally full push ups. I can’t do the “girl” push ups right now because my knee is, technically, still healing and kneeling on it would be bad.

Vital Stats

Name: Angela
Height: 5’8″
SW (2019): 475 Lbs
CW: Unsure